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Mrs. Franchi

Teacher Sponsor

Mrs. Franchi is the teacher sponsor for Girls Who Code. She teaches AP Computer Science & The Incubator at Novi High School. 

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Shriya Rudraraju


This is Shriya's third year with Girls Who Code. She enjoys dancing, biking, and programming. During her spare time, she loves to listen to music and spend time with family & friends!


VP of PR

Meghna has been with Girls Who Code for two years. She enjoys playing the piano, taekwondo, and blogging. In her spare time, she loves to travel, teach taekwondo, and write.


Zoe Torimoto

VP of Recruitment

This will be Zoe’s 3rd year of being a part of Girls Who Code. She is on the high school’s dance and lacrosse teams. Some of her hobbies include traveling, crafts, and photography.


VP of Activities

Aditi has been participating in Girls Who Code for two years now. She enjoys activities such as dancing, painting, and sketching. During her free time, she loves to travel, spend time with friends, and family.


Noori Shankar

VP of Membership

Noori has been with Girls Who Code for two years. A few activities she is passionate about in addition to coding are dancing competitively, traveling, and spending time outdoors. She likes to relax by hanging out with friends or reading a good book.

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Jennifer has been doing Girls Who Code for a year now. She enjoys learning about all things STEAM, from creating cool websites and mobile apps to attending mentorship programs about Women in Tech. In her free time, she likes fashion design, room decor, and listening to music. She also loves to help and teach children how to code.

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This is my second year on girls who code. My favorite activities apart from coding include dancing, traveling, and watching tv shows. I like to spend my free time hanging out with my friends or dancing in my basement

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